The Bee lab
DNA barcode data confirm new species and reveal cryptic diversity in Chilean Smicridea (Smicridea) (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae)
Pauls, S. U.*, R. J. Blahnik, X. Zhou, C. T. Wardwell, and R. W. Holzenthal
2010. Freshwater Science 29(3): 1058-1074.
Defining the genus Hydropsyche (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) based on DNA and morphological evidence
Geraci, C. J.*, X. Zhou*, J. C. Morse, and K. M. Kjer
2010. Freshwater Science 29(3): 918-933.
Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera fauna of Churchill (Manitoba, Canada): insights into biodiversity patterns from DNA barcoding
Zhou, X.*, L. M. Jacobus, R. E. DeWalt, S. J. Adamowicz, and P. D. N. Hebert
2010. Freshwater Science 29(3): 814-837.
COI and ITS2 sequences delimit species, reveal cryptic taxa and host specificity of fig-associated Sycophila (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae)
Li, Y., X. Zhou, G. Feng, H. Hu, L. Niu, P. D. N. Hebert, and D. Huang*
2010. Molecular Ecology Resources 10: 31-40.
Towards a comprehensive barcode library for arctic life—Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera of Churchill, Manitoba, Canada
Zhou, X.*, S. J. Adamowicz, L. M. Jacobus, R. E. DeWalt, and P. D. N. Hebert
2009. Frontiers in Zoology 6:30.
The larvae of Chinese Hydropsychidae (Insecta: Trichoptera), Part I: Arctopsyche shimianensis, Parapsyche sp. A, and Diplectrona obscura
Zhou, X.*
2009. Zootaxa 2174: 1-17.
DNA barcoding North American mayflies – a call for international collaboration
Zhou, X.*, L. M. Jacobus, and P. D. N. Hebert
2008. The Mayfly Newsletter 15 (2): 1-3.
An introduction to the species delimitation and larval-adult association of Chinese Hydropsychidae using independent DNA sequences and adult morphology
Zhou, X.*, K. M. Kjer, and J. C. Morse
2008. pp. 355-368. In Bueno-Soria, J., R. Barba-Álvarez, and B. Armitage (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Trichoptera, June 18-22, 2006, Mexico City, Mexico. The Caddis Press. [Conference proceedings].
Associating larvae and adults of Chinese Hydropsychidae (Insecta: Trichoptera) using DNA sequences
Zhou, X.*, K. M. Kjer, and J. C. Morse
2007. Freshwater Science 26(4): 719-742.
The larvae of Chinese Hydropsychidae (Insecta: Trichoptera): delimiting species boundaries using morphology and DNA sequences
Zhou, X.*
2007. Ph.D. dissertation. Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA. 249pp. [Ph. D. dissertation].
2001。北京大学学报(自然科学版),37(4): 454-469。
2001。 北京大学出版社。北京。ISBN 7-301-04720-7。522页。[Book chapter, in Chinese].
2000。硕士论文。北京大学。38页。[Master thesis, in Chinese].
1997。学士论文。北京大学。31页。[Undergranduate thesis, in Chinese].