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  1. Olsen, L. K.#*, J. Heckenhauer#, J. S. Sproul#, R. B. Dikow, V. L. Gonzalez, M. P. Kweskin, A. M. Taylor, S. B. Wilson, R. J. Stewart, X. Zhou, R. Holzenthal, S. U. Pauls, and P. B. Frandsen*. 2020. Draft genome assemblies and annotations of Agrypnia vestita Walker, and Hesperophylax magnus Banks reveal substantial repetitive element expansion in tube case-making caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera). preprint PDF

  2. Paulia, T.*, K. Meusemann, S. Kukowka, M. Sann, A. Donath, C. Mayer, J. P. Oeyen, Y. Ballesteros, A. Berg, E. van den Berghe, H. Escalona, A. Guglielmino, M. Niehuis, M. Olmi, L. Podsiadlowski, C. Polidori, J. de Rondj, P. Rosa, T. Schmitt, F. Strumia, M. Wurdack, S. Liu, X. Zhou, B. Misof, R. S. Peters, and O. Niehuis*. 2020. Analysis of RNA-seq, DNA target enrichment, and Sanger nucleotide sequences resolves deep splits in the phylogeny of cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae). Insect Systematics and Diversity. In press.

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  5. Song*, S., O. Béthoux, S. Shin, A. Donath, H. Letsch, S. Liu, D. McKenna, G. Meng, K. Meusemann, B. Misof, L. Podsiadlowski, X. Zhou, B. Wipfler, and S. Simon*. 2020. Phylogenomic analysis sheds light on the evolutionary pathways towards acoustic communication in Orthoptera. Nature Communications 11: 4939. PDF Correction
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  6. Schoville, S.*, S. Simon, M. Bai, Z. Beethem, R. Dudko, M. Eberhard, P. Frandsen, S. Küpper, R. Machida, M. Verheij, P. Willadsen, X. Zhou, and B. Wipfler. 2020. Comparative transcriptomics of ice-crawlers demonstrates cold specialization constrains niche evolution in a relict lineage. Evolutionary Applications. PDF

  7. Hao, M.#, Q. Jin#, G. Meng#, C. Yang#, S. Yang, Z. Shi, M. Tang, S. Liu, Y. Li, J. Li, D. Zhang, X. Su, C. Shih, Y. Sun, J. J. Wilson, X. Zhou* and A. Zhang*. 2020. Using high-throughput sequencing and DNA barcoding to infer community assembly for speciose taxonomic groups: a case study. Evolutionary Ecology 34(6), 1063-1088PDF

  8. 韩本凤,周欣,张雪*。2020。基因组学技术在病毒鉴定与宿主溯源中的应用。生物多样性 28(5): 587-595。PDF

  9. Kohli*, M., H. Letsch*, C. Greve, O. Béthoux, I. Deregnaucourt, S. Liu, X. Zhou, A. Donath, C. Mayer, L. Podsiadlowski, R. Machida, O. Niehuis, J. Rust, T. Wappler, X. Yu, B. Misof, and J. Ware. 2020. How old are dragonflies and damselflies? Odonata (Insecta) transcriptomics resolve familial relationships. preprint. PDF

  10. Legeai, F.#, B. F. Santos#, S. Robin#, A. Bretaudeau, R. B. Dikow, C. Lemaitre, V. Jouan, M. Ravallec, J.-M. Drezen, D. Tagu, G. Gyapay, X. Zhou, S. Liu, B. A. Webb, S. G. Brady, and A.-N. Volkoff*. 2020. Genomic architecture of endogenous ichnoviruses reveals distinct evolutionary pathways leading to virus domestication in parasitic wasps. BMC Biology 18: 89. PDF

  11. Rispe#*, C., F. Legeai#*, A. K Arora, P. Baa-Puyoulet, M. Barberà, M. Bouallègue, A. Bretaudeau, J. A. Brisson, F. Calevro, P. Capy, O. Catrice, T. Chertemps, C. Couture, A. E. Douglas, K. Dufault-Thompson, P. Escuer, H. Feng, R. Fernández, T. Gabaldón, GenoTOOL platform, R. Guigó, F. Hilliou, S. Hinojosa, Y. Hsiao, S. Hudaverdian, E. Jacquin-Joly, E. James, S. Johnston, B. Joubard, G. Le Goff, G. Le Trionnaire, S. Liu, H. Lu, M. Maïbèche, D. Martínez-Torres, N. Montagné, N. Moran, M. Makni, M. Marcet-Houben, C. Meslin, P. Nabity, D. Papura, N. Parisot, Y. Rahbé, S. Robin, P. Roux, J. Rozas, A. Ripoll, A. Sánchez-Gracia, J. F. Sánchez-Herrero, D. Santesmasses, M. Tang, K. Thompson, W. Tian, M. van Munster, J. Wemmer, A. C. Wilson, Y. Zhang, C. Zhao, J. Zhao, S. Zhao, X. Zhou, International Aphid Genomics Consortium, F. Delmotte*, and D. Tagu*. 2020. The genome sequence of the grape phylloxera provides insights into the evolution, adaptation, and invasion routes of an iconic pest. BMC Biology 18: 90. PDF Correction

  12. Wang, X.#, J. Huang#, P. Wang#, R. Wang, C. Wang, D. Yu, C. Ke, T. Huang, Y. Song, J. Bai, K. Li, L. Ren, M. Rob, H. Han*, X. Zhou*, and Y. Zhao*. 2020. Analysis of the Chinese alligator TCRα/δ loci reveals the evolutionary pattern of atypical TCRδ/TCRμ in tetrapod. Journal of Immunology 205(3): 637-647. PDF

  13. Vasilikopoulos, A. #*, B. Misof #*, K. Meusemann, D. Lieberz, T. Flouri, R. G. Beutel, O. Niehuis, T. Wappler, J. Rust, R. S. Peters, A. Donath, L. Podsiadlowski, C. Mayer, D. Bartel, A. Böhm, S. Liu, P. Kapli, C. Greve, J. E. Jepson, X. Liu, X. Zhou, H. Aspöck, and U. Aspöck. 2020. An integrative phylogenomic approach to elucidate the evolutionary history and divergence times of Neuropterida (Insecta: Holometabola). BMC Evolutionary Biology​ 20: 64. PDF Correction

  14. Zhang, W.#, X. Zhang#, Q. Su, M. Tang, H. Zheng, and X. Zhou*. 2020. Genomic features underlying evolutionary transitions of Apibacter to honeybee gut symbionts. preprint PDF

  15. Zhang, S., S. Shen, J. Peng, X. Zhou, X. Kong, P. Ren, F. Liu, L. Han*, S. Zhan*, Y. Huang*, A. Zhang*, and Z. Zhang*. 2020. Chromosome-level genome assembly of an important pine defoliator, Dendrolimus punctatus (Lepidoptera; Lasiocampidae). Molecular Ecology Resources 20(4): 1023-1037. PDF

  16. Hao, M.#, Q. Jin#, G. Meng#, C. Yang#, S. Yang, Z. Shi, M. Tang, S. Liu, Y. Li, D. Zhang, X. Su, C. Shih, Y. Sun, X. Zhou*, and A. Zhang*. 2020. Regional assemblages shaped by historical and contemporary factors: evidence from a species-rich insect group. Molecular Ecology 29(13): 2492-2510PDF
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  19. Wipfler, B., W. Koehler, P. Frandsen, A. Donath, S. Liu, R. Machida, B. Misof, R. Peters, S. Shimzu, X. Zhou, and S. Simon. 2020. Phylogenomics changes our understanding about earwig evolution. Systematic Entomology 45(3): 516-526. PDF

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  12. Dowling, D. *, T. Pauli, A. Donath, K. Meusemann, L. Podsiadlowski, M. Petersen, R. S. Peters, C. Mayer, S. Liu, X. Zhou, B. Misof, and O. Niehuis*. 2017. Phylogenetic origin and diversification of RNAi pathway genes in insects. Genome Biology and Evolution 8(12): 3784-3793. PDF



  1. Tan, M., R. Zhang, C. Hardman, and X. Zhou*. 2016. Mitochondrial genome of Hylaeus dilatatus (Hymenoptera: Colletidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part A 27(6): 3975-3976. PDF

  2. Pauli, T. *, L. Vedder, D. Dowling, M. Petersen, K. Meusemann, A. Donath, R. S. Peters, L. Podsiadlowski, C. Mayer, S. Liu, X. Zhou, P. Heger, T. Wiehe, L. Hering, G. Mayer, B. Misof, and O. Niehuis*. 2016. Transcriptomic data from panarthropods shed new light on the evolution of insulator binding proteins in insects. BMC Genomics 17:861. PDF

  3. Droege, G. *, K. Barker, O. Seberg, J. Coddington, E. Benson, W. G. Berendsohn, B. Bunk, C. Butler, E. M. Cawsey, J. Deck, M. Doring, P. Flemons, B. Gemeinholzer, A. Guntsch, T. Hollowell, P. Kelbert, I. Kostadinov, R. Kottmann, R. T. Lawlor, C. Lyal, J. Mackenzie-Dodds, C. Meyer, D. Mulcahy, S. Y. Nussbeck, E. O’Tuama, T. Orrell, G. Petersen, T. Robertson, C. Sohngen, J. Whitacre, J. Wieczorek, P. Yilmaz, H. Zetzsche, Y. Zhang, and X. Zhou. 2016. The Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN) Data Standard specification. Database-The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation 2016: baw125. PDF

  4. Frandsen, P. B. *, X. Zhou, O. Flint Jr., and K. M. Kjer. 2016. Using DNA barcode data to add leaves to the Trichoptera tree of life. In Vshivkova, T. S. and J. C. Morse (eds.) Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Trichoptera, July 2-7, 2012, Vladivostok, Russia. Zoosymposia 10:193-199. PDF

  5. Kjer, K. M. *, J. Thomas, X. Zhou, P. B. Frandsen, E. Prendini, and R. W. Holzenthal. 2016. Progress on the phylogeny of caddisflies (Trichoptera). In Vshivkova, T. S. and J. C. Morse (eds.) Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Trichoptera, July 2-7, 2012, Vladivostok, Russia. Zoosymposia 10:248-256. PDF

  6. Zhou, X. *, P. Frandsen, R. W. Holzenthal, C. R. Beet, K. R. Bennett, R. J. Blahnik, N. Bonada, D. Cartwright, S. Chuluunbat, G. V. Cocks, G. E. Collins, J. deWaard, J. Dean, O. Flint, M. R. Gonzalez, A. Hausmann, L. Hendrich, M. Hess, I. D. Hogg, B. C. Kondratieff, H. Malicky, M. A. Milton, J. Morinière, J. C. Morse, S. Pauls, A. Rinne, J. Robinson, J. Salokannel, M. Shackleton, B. Smith, A. Stamatakis, R. StClair, J. A. Thomas, C. Zamora-Muñoz, T. Ziesmann, and K. M. Kjer*. 2016. The Trichoptera barcode initiative: a strategy for generating a species-level Tree of Life. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biology Science 371 (1702):20160025. PDF
    Cover Story

  7. Zhou. C., M. Tan, S. Du, R. Zhang, R. Machida, and X. Zhou*. 2016. The mitochondrial genome of the winter stonefly Apteroperla tikumana (Plecoptera, Capniidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part A 27(4): 3030-3032. PDF

  8. Tan, M., R. Zhang, C. Xiang, and X. Zhou*. 2016. The complete mitochondrial genome of the pumpkin fruit fly, Bactrocera tau (Diptera: Tephritidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part A 27(4): 2502-2503. PDF

  9. Shelomi, M.*, E. G. J. Danchin, D. Heckel, B. Wipfler, S. Bradler, X. Zhou, and Y. Pauchet. 2016. Horizontal gene transfer of a pectinase from bacteria preceded the diversification of stick and leaf insects. Scientific Reports 6:26388. PDF

  10. Crampton-Platt, A., D. W. Yu, X. Zhou, and A. P. Vogler*. 2016. Mitochondrial metagenomics: letting the genes out of the bottle. GigaScience 5:15. PDF

  11. Derst, C., H. Dircksen, K. Meusemann, X. Zhou, S. Liu, and R. Predel*. 2016. Evolution of neuropeptides in non-pterygote hexapods. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16:51. PDF

  12. Toussaint, E. F. A., R. G. Beutel, J. Morinière, F. Jia, S. Xu, M. C. Michat, X. Zhou, D. T. Bilton, I. Ribera, J. Hájek, and M. Balke*. 2016. Molecular phylogeny of the highly disjunct cliff water beetles from South Africa and China (Coleoptera, Aspidytidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 176(3): 537-546. PDF

  13. The QUINTESSENCE Consortium (59 authors, D. A. Bohan*, D. Landuyt, A. Ma, S. Macfadyen, V. Martinet, F. Massol, G. McInerny, J. M. Montoya, C. Mulder, U. Pascual, M. J. O. Pocock, P. White, S. Blanchemanche, M. Bonkowski, V. Bretagnolle, C. Brönmark, L. Dicks, A. Dumbrell, N. Friberg, M. O. Gessner, R. J. Gill, C. Gray, A. Haughton, S. Ibanez, J. Jensen, E. Jeppesen, J. Jokela, G. Lacroix, C. Lannou, S. Lavorel, J. L. Galliard, Françoise Lescourret, S. Liu, N. Loeuille, O. McLaughlin, S. Muggleton, J. Peñuelas, T. Petanidou, S. Petit, F. Pomati, D. Raffaelli, J. Rasmussen, A. Raybould, X. Reboud, G. Richard, C. Scherber, S. Scheu, W. J. Sutherland, A. Tamaddoni-Nezhad, C. ter Braak, M. Termansen, M. S. A. Thompson, T. Tscharntke, C. Vacher, H. van der Geest, W. Voigt, J. A. Vonk, X. Zhou, and G. Woodward). 2016. Networking our way to better ecosystem service provision. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31: 105-115. PDF

  14. Liu, S., X. Wang, L. Xie, M. Tan, Z. Li, X. Su, H. Zhang, B. Misof, K. M. Kjer, M. Tang, O. Niehuis, H. Jiang, and X. Zhou*. 2016. Mitochondrial capture enriches mito-DNA 100 fold, enabling PCR-free mitogenomics biodiversity analysis. Molecular Ecology Resources 16: 470-479. PDF



  1. Kjer, K. M., J. L. Ware, J. Rust, T. Wappler, R. Lanfear, L. S. Jermiin, X. Zhou, H. Aspöck, U. Aspöck, R. G. Beutel, A. Blanke, A. Donath, T. Flouri, P. B. Frandsen, P. Kapli, A. Y. Kawahara, H. Letsch, C. Mayer, D. D. McKenna, K. Meusemann, O. Niehuis,R. S. Peters, B. M. Wiegmann, D. K. Yeates,B. M. von Reumont, A. Stamatakis, and B. Misof*. 2015. INSECT PHYLOGENOMICS. Response to comment on "Phylogenomics resolved the timing and pattern of insect evolution". Science 349 (6247): 487-c. PDF

  2. Tang, M.#, C. Hardman#, Y. Ji#, G. Meng, S. Liu, M. Tan, S. Yang, E. Moss, J. Wang, C. Yang, C. Bruce, T. Nevard, S. G. Potts, X. Zhou*, and D. W. Yu*. 2015. High-throughput monitoring of wild bee diversity and abundance via mitogenomics. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6: 1034-1043. PDF
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  3. Qin, J., Y. Zhang*, X. Zhou, X. Kong, S. Wei, R. D. Ward, and A. Zhang*. 2015. Mitochondrial phylogenomics and genetic relationships of closely related pine moth (Lasiocampidae: Dendrolimus) species in China, using whole mitochondrial genomes. BMC Genomics 16: 428. PDF

  4. Gellerer, A., A. Franke, S. Neupert, R. Predel, X. Zhou, S. Liu, W. Reiher, C. Wegener, and U. Homberg*. 2015. Identification and distribution of SIFamide in the nervous system of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria. Journal of Comparative Neurology 523(1): 108-125. PDF

  5. Kjer, K. * and X. Zhou. 2015. The global Trichoptera Barcode of Life campaign: implications and applications. Scientific abstracts from the 6th International Barcode of Life Conference. Genome 58:238.[Conference abstract].

  6. Mitterboeck, T. F. *, S. Liu, R. Zhang, W. Song, L. Zhou, J. Fu, S. J. Adamowicz, and X. Zhou. 2015. Testing for positive selection in mitochondrial and nuclear energy-related genes in Pterygota insects. Scientific abstracts from the 6th International Barcode of Life Conference. Genome 58:257. [Conference abstract].

  7. Yu, D. W.*, M. Tang, C. J. Hardman, Y. Ji, S. Liu, T. Nevard, S. G. Potts, and X. Zhou. 2015. High-throughtput monitoring of wild bee diversity and abundance via mitogenomics. Scientific abstracts from the 6th International Barcode of Life Conference. Genome 58:299-300. [Conference abstract].

  8. Zhou, X.*, and K. Kjer. 2015. The use of DNA barcoding in large-scale ’omics projects. Scientific abstracts from the 6th International Barcode of Life Conference. Genome 58:302. [Conference abstract].

  9. Fang, X., E. Nevo*, L. Han, E. Levanon, J. Zhao, A. Avivi, D. Larkin, X. Jiang, S. Feranchuk, Y. Zhu, A. Fishman, Y. Feng, N. Sher, Z. Xiong, T. Hankeln, Z. Huang, V. Gorbunova, L. Zhang, W. Zhao, D. E. Wildman, Y. Xiong, A. Gudkov, Q. Zheng, G. Rehavi, S. Liu, L. Bazak, J. Chen, B. A. Knisbacher, Y. Lu, I. Shams, K. Gajda, M. Farré, J. Kim, H. A. Lewin, J. Ma, M. Band, A. Bicker, A. Kranz, T. Mattheus, H. Schmidt, A. Seluanov, J. Azpurua, M. R. McGowen, E. B. Jacob, K. Li, S. Peng, X. Zhu, X. Liao, S. Li, A. Krogh, X. Zhou*, L. Brodsky*, and J. Wang*. 2015. Corrigendum: Genome-wide adaptive complexes to underground stresses in blind mole rats Spalax. Nature Communications 6: 8051. [Corrigendum]. PDF



  1. 张勇*,李启沅,王县,周晓琳,魏冬琼,严志祥,王世鹏,钱璞毅,孙啸,万仟,程乐,周欣,汪建*。2014。国家基因库概述。转化医学研究(电子版) 4(4): 111-117. PDF

  2. Kjer, K. M., X. Zhou, P. Frandsen, J. Thomas, and R. J. Blahnik*. 2014. Moving toward species-level phylogeny using ribosomal DNA and COI barcodes: an example from the diverse caddisfly genus Chimarra (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae). Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny 72(3): 345-354. PDF

  3. Xue, J.#, X. Zhou#, C. Zhang*, L. Yu#, H. Fan, Z. Wang, H. Xu, Y. Xi, Z. Zhu, W. Zhou, P. Pan, B. Li, J. K. Colbourne, H. Noda, Y. Suetsugu, T. Kobayashi, Y. Zheng, S. Liu, R. Zhang, Y. Liu, Y. Luo, D. Fang, Y. Chen, D. Zhan, X. Lv, Y. Cai, Z. Wang, H. Huang, R. Cheng, X. Zhang, Y. Lou, B. Yu, J. Zhuo, Y. Ye, W. Zhang, Z. Shen, H. Yang, J. Wang*, J. Wang*, Y. Bao*, J. Cheng*. 2014. Genomes of the rice pest brown planthopper and its endosymbionts reveal complex complementary contributions for host adaptation. Genome Biology 15:521. PDF

  4. Misof, B.*, S. Liu, K. Meusemann, R. S. Peters, A. Donath, C. Mayer, P. B. Frandsen, J. Ware, T. Flouri, R. G. Beutel, O. Niehuis, M. Petersen, F. Izquierdo-Carrasco, T. Wappler, J. Rust, A. J. Aberer, U. Aspöck, H. Aspöck, A. Blanke, D. Bartel, S. Berger, A. Böhm, T. Buckley, B. Calcott, J. Chen, F. Friedrich, M. Fukui, M. Fujita, C. Greve, P. Grobe, S. Gu, Y. Huang, L. S. Jermiin, A. Y. Kawahara, L. Krogmann, M. Kubiak, R. Lanfear, H. Letsch, Y. Li, Z. Li, J. Li, H. Lu, R. Machida, Y. Mashimo, P. Kapli, D. McKenna, G. Meng, Y. Nakagaki, J. L. Navarrete-Heredia, M. Ott, Y. Ou, G. Pass, L. Podsiadlowski, H. Pohl, B. M. v. Reumont, K. Schütte, K. Sekiya, S. Shimizu, A. Slipinski, A. Stamatakis, W. Song, X. Su, N. U. Szucsich, M. Tan, X. Tan, M. Tang, J. Tang, G. Timelthaler, S. Tomizuka, M. Trautwein, X. Tong, T. Uchifune, M. G. Walzl, B. Wiegmann, J. Wilbrandt, B. Wipfler, T. K. F. Wong, Q. Wu, G. Wu, Y. Xie, S. Yang, Q. Yang, D. K. Yeates, K. Yoshizawa, Q. Zhang, R. Zhang, W. Zhang, Y. Zhang, J. Zhao, C. Zhou, L. Zhou, T. Ziesmann, S. Zou, Y. Li, X. Xu, Y. Zhang, H. Yang, J. Wang, J. Wang*, K. M. Kjer*, and X. Zhou*. 2014. Phylogenomics resolves the timing and pattern of insect evolution. Science 346 (6210): 763-767. PDF
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  5. Tang, M., M. Tan, G. Meng, S. Yang, X. Su, S. Liu, W. Song, Y. Li, Q. Wu, A. Zhang, and X. Zhou*. 2014. Multiplex sequencing of pooled mitochondrial genomes – a crucial step toward biodiversity analysis using mito-metagenomics. Nucleic Acids Research 42(22): e166. PDF

  6. Fang, X.#, I. Seim#, Z. Huang, M. V. Gerashchenko, Z. Xiong, A. A. Turanov, Y. Zhu, A. V. Lobanov, D. Fan, S. H. Yim, X. Yao, S. Ma, L. Yang, S. Lee, E. B. Kim, R. T. Bronson, R. Sumbera, R. Buffenstein, X. Zhou, A. Krogh, T. J. Park, G. Zhang, J. Wang*, and V. N. Gladyshev*. 2014. Adaptations to a subterranean environment and longevity revealed by the analysis of mole rat genomes. Cell Reports 8(5): 1354-1364. PDF

  7. Pan, W. *, Z. Lü, X. Zhu, D. Wang, H. Wang, Y. Long, D. Fu, and X. Zhou. 2014. A chance for lasting survival, ecology and behavior of wild giant pandas. Eds. W. J. McShea, R. B. Harris, D. Garshelis, and D. Wang. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. Washington D.C. 370pp. ISBN 978-1-935623-17-5. [Book chapter].

  8. Zhou, Y.#, P. B. Pope#, S. Li, B. Wen, F. Tan, S. Cheng, J. Chen, J. Yang, F. Liu, X. Lei, Q. Su, C. Zhou, J. Zhao, X. Dong, T. Jin, X. Zhou, S. Yang, G. Zhang, H. Yang, J. Wang, R. Yang*, V. G. H. Eijsink*, and J. Wang*. 2014. Omics-based interpretation of synergism in a soil-derived cellulose-degrading microbial community. Scientific Reports 4:5288. PDF

  9. Fang, X., E. Nevo*, L. Han, E. Levanon, J. Zhao, A. Avivi, D. Larkin, X. Jiang, S. Feranchuk, Y. Zhu, A. Fishman, Y. Feng, N. Sher, Z. Xiong, T. Hankeln, Z. Huang, V. Gorbunova, L. Zhang, W. Zhao, D. E. Wildman, Y. Xiong, A. Gudkov, Q. Zheng, G. Rehavi, S. Liu, L. Bazak, J. Chen, B. A. Knisbacher, Y. Lu, I. Shams, K. Gajda, M. Farré, J. Kim, H. A. Lewin, J. Ma, M. Band, A. Bicker, A. Kranz, T. Mattheus, H. Schmidt, A. Seluanov, J. Azpurua, M. R. McGowen, E. B. Jacob, K. Li, S. Peng, X. Zhu, X. Liao, S. Li, A. Krogh, X. Zhou*, L. Brodsky*, and J. Wang*. 2014. Genome-wide adaptive complexes to underground stresses in blind mole rats Spalax. Nature Communications 5: 3966. PDF

  10. Xie, Y.#, G. Wu#, J. Tang#, R. Luo#, J. Patterson, S. Liu, W. Huang, G. He, S. Gu, S. Li, X. Zhou, Y. Li, X. Xu, G. K. Wong*, and J. Wang*. 2014. SOAPdenovo-Trans: de novo transcriptome assembly with short RNA-Seq reads. Bioinformatics 30(12): 1660-1666. PDF

  11. GIGA Community of Scientists (J. Lopez*, H. Bracken-Grissom, A. Collins, K. Crandall, D. Distel, C. Dunn, G. Giribet, S. Haddock, N. Knowlton, M. Martindale, M. Medina, C. Messing, S. O’Brien, G. Paulay, N. Putnam, T. Ravasi, G. Rouse, J. Ryan, N. Schulze, G. Wörheide, M. Adamska, C. Voolstra, X. Bailley, J. Breinholt, N. Evans, W. Browne, M. Diaz, N. Fogarty, M. Johnston, T. Laberge, A. Kawahara, D. Lavrov, F. Michonneau, B. Kamel, L. Moroz, T. Oakley, S. Pomponi, M. Rodriguez-Lanetty, S. Santos, N. Satoh, R. Thacker, Y. van der Peer, J. Winston, and X. Zhou). 2014. The Global Invertebrate Genomics Alliance (GIGA): developing community resources to study diverse invertebrate genomes. Journal of Heredity 105(1): 1-18. PDF
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  1. Astrin, J. J.*, X. Zhou, and B. Misof. 2013. The importance of biobanking in molecular taxonomy, with proposed definitions for vouchers in a molecular context. In: de Meyer M, Jordaens K, Nagy ZT, Backeljau T (Eds) DNA barcoding: a practical tool for fundamental and applied biodiversity research. Zookeys 365: 67-70. PDF

  2. Balke, M.*, L. Hendrich, E. F. A. Toussaint, X. Zhou, T. von Rintelen, and M. de Bruyn. 2013. Suggestions for a molecular biodiversity assessment of South East Asian freshwater invertebrates. Lessons from the megadiverse beetles (Colecoptera). Journal of Limnology 72(s2): 61-68. PDF

  3. 唐敏,伊廷双,王欣,谭美华,周欣*。2013。Metabarcoding技术在植物鉴定和多样性研究中的应用。植物分类与资源学报 35(6): 769-773。PDF

  4. Stoev, P.*, A. Komerički, N. Akkari, S. Liu, X. Zhou, A. Weigand, J. Hostens, C. Hunter, S. Edmunds, D. Porco, M. Zapparoli, T. Georgiev, D. Mietchen, D. Roberts, S. Faulwetter, V. Smith, and L. Penev. 2013. Eupolybothrus cavernicolus Komerički & Stoev sp. n. (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha: Lithobiidae): the first eukaryotic species description combining transcriptomic, DNA barcoding and micro-CT imaging data. Biodiversity Data Journal 1: e1013. PDF

  5. Liu, S., Y. Li, J. Lu, X. Su, M. Tang, R. Zhang, L. Zhou, C. Zhou, Q. Yang, Y. Ji, D. W. Yu, and X. Zhou*. 2013. SOAPBarcode: revealing arthropod biodiversity through assembly of Illumina shotgun sequences of PCR amplicons. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4: 1142-1150. PDF

  6. i5K Consortium (Evans, J. D.*, S. J. Brown, K. J. Hackett, G. Robinson, S. Richards, D. Lawson, C. Elsik, J. Coddington, O. Edwards, S. Emrich, T. Gabaldon, M. Goldsmith, G. Hanes, B. Misof, M. Muñoz-Torres, O. Niehuis, A. Papanicolaou, M. Pfrender, M. Poelchau, M. Purcell-Miramontes, H. M. Robertson, O. Ryder, D. Tagu, T. Torres, E. Zdobnov, G. Zhang, and X. Zhou). 2013. The i5K Initiative: Advancing Arthropod Genomics for Knowledge, Human Health, Agriculture and the Environment. Journal of Heredity 104(5): 595-600. PDF
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  7. Zhou, X.*, Y. Li, S. Liu, Q. Yang, X. Su, L. Zhou, M. Tang, R. Fu, J. Li, and Q. Huang. 2013. Ultra-deep sequencing enables high-fidelity recovery of biodiversity for bulk arthropod samples without PCR amplification. GigaScience 2:4.  PDF
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  8. Ruiter, D. E., E. E. Boyle, and X. Zhou*. 2013. DNA barcoding facilitates associations and diagnoses for Trichoptera larvae of the Churchill (Manitoba, Canada) area. BMC Ecology 13:5. PDF

  9. You, M.#*, Z. Yue#, W. He#, X. Yang#*, G. Yang#, M. Xie#, D. Zhan, S. W. Baxter, L. Vasseur, G. M. Gurr, C. J. Douglas, J. Bai, P. Wang, K. Cui, S. Huang, X. Li, Q. Zhou, Z. Wu, Q. Chen, C. Liu, B. Wang, X. Li, X. Xu, C. Lu, M. Hu, J. W. Davey, S. M. Smith, M. Chen, X. Xia, W. Tang, F. Ke, D. Zheng, Y. Hu, F. Song, Y. You, X. Ma, L. Peng, Y. Zheng, Y. Liang, Y. Chen, L. Yu, Y. Zhang, Y. Liu, G. Li, L. Fang, J. Li, X. Zhou, Y. Luo, C. Gou, J. Wang, J. Wang, H. Yang, J. Wang*. 2013. A heterozygous moth genome provides insights into herbivory and detoxification. Nature Genetics 45(2): 220-225. PDF



  1. Hernández-Triana, L. M.*, J. L. Crainey, A. Hall, F. Fatih, J. Mackenzie-Dodds, A. J. Shelley, X. Zhou, R. J. Post, T. R. Gregory, and P. D. N. Hebert. 2012. DNA barcodes reveal cryptic genetic diversity within the blackfly subgenus Trichodagmia Enderlein (Diptera: Simuliidae: Simulium) and related taxa in the New World. Zootaxa 3514: 43–69. PDF

  2. Harvey, L. E., C. J. Geraci, J. L. Robinson, J. C. Morse*, K. M. Kjer, and X. Zhou. 2012. Diversity of mitochondrial and larval morphology characters in the genus Diplectrona (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) in the eastern United States. Terrestrial Arthropod Reviews 5(3-4):191-211. PDF

  3. Webb, J. M.*, L. M. Jacobus, D. H. Funk, X. Zhou, B. Kondratieff, C. J. Geraci, R. E. DeWalt, D. J. Baird, B. Richard, I. Phillips, and P. D. N. Hebert. 2012. A DNA barcode library for North American Ephemeroptera: progress and prospects. PLoS ONE 7(5): e38063. PDF

  4. Smith, M. A.*, C. Bertrand, K. Crosby, E. S. Eveleigh, J. Fernandez-Triana, B. L. Fisher, J. Gibbs, M. Hajibabaei, W. Hallwachs, K. Hind, J. Hrcek, D. Huang, M. Janda, D. H. Janzen, Y. Li, S. Miller, L. Packer, D. Quicke, S. Ratnasingham, J. Rodriguez, R. Rougerie, M. R. Shaw, C. Sheffield, J. K. Stahlhut, D. Stienke, J. B. Whitfield, M. Wood, and X. Zhou. 2012. Wolbachia and DNA barcoding insects: patterns, potential, and problems. PLoS ONE 7(5): e36514. PDF

  5. Curry, C. J.*, X. Zhou, and D. J. Baird. 2012. Congruence of biodiversity measures among larval dragonflies and caddisflies from three Canadian rivers. Freshwater Biology 57(3): 628-639. PDF



  1. Shokralla, S.*, X. Zhou, D. Janzen, W. Hallwachs, J-F Landry, L. M. Jacobus, and M. Hajibabaei. 2011. Pyrosequencing for mini-barcoding of fresh and old museum specimens. PLoS ONE 6(7): e21252. PDF

  2. Hajibabaei, M.*, S. Shokralla, X. Zhou, G. A. C. Singer, and D. J. Baird. 2011. Environmental barcoding: a next-generation sequencing approach for biomonitoring applications using river benthos. PLoS ONE 6(4): e17497. PDF
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  4. Baird, D. J.*, T. J. Pascoe, X. Zhou, and M. Hajibabaei. 2011. Building freshwater macroinvertebrate DNA-barcode libraries from reference collection material: formalin preservation versus specimen age. Freshwater Science 30(1): 125-130. PDF

  5. Geraci, C. J.*, M. A. Al-Saffar, and X. Zhou. 2011. DNA barcoding facilitates description of unknown faunas: a case study on Trichoptera in the headwaters of the Tigris River, Iraq. Freshwater Science 30(1): 163-173. PDF



  1. Pauls, S. U.*, R. J. Blahnik, X. Zhou, C. T. Wardwell, and R. W. Holzenthal. 2010. DNA barcode data confirm new species and reveal cryptic diversity in Chilean Smicridea (Smicridea) (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae). Freshwater Science  29(3): 1058-1074. PDF

  2. Geraci, C. J.*, X. Zhou*, J. C. Morse, and K. M. Kjer. 2010. Defining the genus Hydropsyche (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) based on DNA and morphological evidence. Freshwater Science 29(3): 918-933. PDF

  3. Zhou, X.*, L. M. Jacobus, R. E. DeWalt, S. J. Adamowicz, and P. D. N. Hebert. 2010. Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera fauna of Churchill (Manitoba, Canada): insights into biodiversity patterns from DNA barcoding. Freshwater Science 29(3): 814-837. PDF

  4. Li, Y., X. Zhou, G. Feng, H. Hu, L. Niu, P. D. N. Hebert, and D. Huang*. 2010. COI and ITS2 sequences delimit species, reveal cryptic taxa and host specificity of fig associated Sycophila (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae). Molecular Ecology Resources 10: 31-40. PDF



  1. Zhou, X.*, S. J. Adamowicz, L. M. Jacobus, R. E. DeWalt, and P. D. N. Hebert. 2009. Towards a comprehensive barcode library for arctic life—Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera of Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. Frontiers in Zoology 6:30. PDF

  2. Zhou, X.* 2009. The larvae of Chinese Hydropsychidae (Insecta: Trichoptera), Part I: Arctopsyche shimianensis, Parapsyche sp. A, and Diplectrona obscura. Zootaxa 2174: 1-17. PDF



  1. Zhou, X.*, L. M. Jacobus, and P. D. N. Hebert. 2008. DNA barcoding North American mayflies – a call for international collaboration. The Mayfly Newsletter 15 (2): 1-3. PDF

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F1000 Recommendations

  1. Zhou X and Luo S: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Guo X et al., Nature 2020584(7822):584-588]. In Faculty Opinions, 02 Sep 2020; 10.3410/f.738481948.793577735

  2. Zhou X and Luo S: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Yuan D et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2020]. In Faculty Opinions, 23 Apr 2020; 10.3410/f.737715076.793573324

  3. Zhou X: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Yang CQ et al., Front Ecol Evol 2020 8]. In Faculty Opinions, 22 Apr 2020; 10.3410/f.737703679.793573241

  4. Zhou X and Luo S: F1000Prime Recommendation of [Zhang L et al., Nature 2020577(7788):79-84]. In F1000Prime, 02 Jan 2020;10.3410/f.737107030.793569019

  5. Zhou X: F1000Prime Recommendation of [Williams MA et al., Mol Ecol Resour 2019 19(5):1106-1114]. In F1000Prime, 25 Oct 2019; 10.3410/f.735955522.793566291

  6. Zhou X and Luo S: F1000Prime Recommendation of [Tian L et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2019]. In F1000Prime, 08 Aug 2019; 10.3410/f.735650377.793563472

  7. Zhou X and Luo S: F1000Prime Recommendation of [Jin H et al., Sci Adv 2019 5(4):eaav7569]. In F1000Prime, 13 Jun 2019; 10.3410/f.735529073.793561160

  8. Zhou X and Luo S: F1000Prime Recommendation of [Maire J et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2019 116(12):5623-5632]. In F1000Prime, 18 Apr 2019; 10.3410/f.735222262.793558811

  9. Zhou X and Luo S: F1000Prime Recommendation of [Xu HX et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2018 116(2):490-495]. In F1000Prime, 08 Jan 2019; 10.3410/f.734687226.793554709

  10. Zhou X and Luo S: F1000Prime Recommendation of [Shukla SP et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2018 115(44):11274-11279]. In F1000Prime, 10 Dec 2018; 10.3410/f.734240752.793553683

  11. Zhou X and Luo S: F1000Prime Recommendation of [Xu J et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2018 115(35):8757-8762]. In F1000Prime, 03 Oct 2018; 10.3410/f.733769924.793551101

  12. Zhou X and Luo S: F1000Prime Recommendation of [Rubin JJ et al., Sci Adv 20184(7):eaar7428]. In F1000Prime, 13 Jul 2018;10.3410/f.733579387.793548037

  13. Zhou X and Luo S: F1000Prime Recommendation of [Bourguignon T et al., Curr Biol 2018 28(4):649-654.e2]. In F1000Prime, 11 Jun 2018; 10.3410/f.732647666.793546599

  14. Zhou X: F1000Prime Recommendation of [Zheng H et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2017 114(18):4775-4780]. In F1000Prime, 18 Sep 2017; 10.3410/f.727514776.793536563

  15. Zhou X: F1000Prime Recommendation of [Linz DM and Tomoyasu Y, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2018 115(4):E658-E667]. In F1000Prime, 23 Mar 2018; 10.3410/f.732442363.793543785

  16. Zhou X: F1000Prime Recommendation of [Santos ME et al., Science 2017358(6361):386-390]. In F1000Prime, 20 Dec 2017;10.3410/f.732010448.793540575

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The Bee lab, China Agricultural University

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